> Gooseys Gabbings-The World of Weird Bizarre and Odd News
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Attack on 101-year old woman caught on tape

NEW YORK - For a moment, the man in the grainy video looks like a good Samaritan holding the door open for an elderly neighbor. Then he turns and delivers three sharp punches to the 101-year-old woman's head. p>"The next thing I knew, I had a big bang on the side of my face," said Rose Morat, who suffered a fractured cheekbone and lost her purse and $33 to the mugger.

The attack was captured by a surveillance camera in the lobby of her Queens apartment building last Sunday.

"I'm quite sure that if it had happened when I was younger, I would have been after him," she said. "I'm a very strong woman. I've been that way my whole life."

Police said the same man is believed to have later attacked a second elderly woman in the neighborhood. Investigators were searching for a suspect Saturday.

"We are pulling out all the stops to find him," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said in a statement. "We want to stop him before he strikes again."

Morat said she was headed to church when she met the man in her lobby. He offered to help her make her way out, but she declined.

"I know how to handle myself," she said.

As Morat maneuvered her walker through the building's small vestibule, the man slowly put his bicycle against the wall, turned, and attacked her, the security video showed.

Her hat flew off, but she remained on her feet as the man removed her bag and felt her coat pockets.

Then, before making his escape, he punched her in the head again and shoved her to the ground.

Morat spent three days in the hospital.

The 85-year-old woman believed to be the mugger's second victim, Solange Elizee, told police she was punched and pushed to the floor outside her apartment door by a man who had initially offered to help her get home.

"I like to help old people," he said before turning violent, according to Elizee.

The man took her purse and got away with $32, police said.

Goosey's imaginings...

Nothing funny about this. Find this man, beat him within an inch of his life, and make him stay the rest of his life at Walter Reed Hospital. Seriously.

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  • At March 11, 2007 at 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I can't believe someone would hit a 101 year old woman, or any woman and steal her purse! I hope this guy is caught really soon and whoever finds him beats him close to his death! He needs to suffer for this! What a Low Life Person! I wish I had him in my grips! What a Coward!

  • At March 11, 2007 at 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Only thing I have to say about it is the scum bag needs to be beaten to a bloody pulp.

  • At March 11, 2007 at 1:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    What's so new? The Mandingo Warriors have been mugging and raping old woman for years! It used to be open season on oldsters for their S.S. checks.It got to be so bad that an old man in the Bronx designed a spring loaded spike he attached inside the back of his coat to be sprung when grabbed from behind by a warrior. He was of course arrested and ordered by a judge to remove it or go to jail!! Later, the Warriors would bypass the middle man and attack the Postal route-guy and steal ALL of the checks. Now they steal whatever fancy strikes their warrior spirit...as long as it is an old woman. The only reason this and another incident by the same Mandingo Warrior has made the news is because of the video tape! Without the tape, this is just another ho hum mugging story.

  • At March 11, 2007 at 2:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    What will be almost as interesting is the apologists who will make excuses for this beast. Let me beat them to the punch.Yes Dorothy,There are good and bad in all!! Thank you, now go walk ToTo!!

  • At March 11, 2007 at 2:36 PM, Blogger Tim said…

    Bill-thanks for the info. It's sad that we are desensitized to the "ho-hum" muggings of the world, and you are right about the Mandingo Warriors--and about the video tape--but it still shouldn't take away the shock factor overall-it's still appalling, nonetheless. I think one of the more amazing things of this is that the 101-year old survived a beating like this. That in itself is news,IMHO!!!! I appreciate your commentary!

  • At March 11, 2007 at 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ass holes like him should have been aborted. My wish is that he never reaches his next birth date.

  • At March 11, 2007 at 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh he was just a misguided black youth.

    If this was some white kid that did this to a 101 year old black woman....would we have ever heard the end of this???

    Hell No !!!

    But Ann Coulter calls someone a faggot and it is all over the news for daze

    Libs are hated for this hypocrisy

  • At March 11, 2007 at 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    in almost every blog, someone writes i hope he doesnt make his next birthday, i hope someone beats him to a pulp, i hope he gets a worse beating. THEN WHY? is it when the cops find a scumbag like this and kick his ass (well deserved) your all screaming POLICE BRUTALITY! because a judge **especially in NYC** will let him go in a day or two, only to come back several months or a year later to only get a few months sentence of 3 free square meals and a free rikers island workout gym so he's stronger when he gets out in 6 months to rob and rape more people.
    so next time a MUTT gets his ass beaten for robbing, raping or killing a woman or child, make sure you remember your rage and OPEN YOUR MOUTH in defense of the cop who see's this every day and KICKS THIS GUY's ASS. bEcAuSe YoU Or SomEoNe In YoUr FaMiLy cOuLd Be NeXt!!!!!!!!!!

  • At March 11, 2007 at 5:32 PM, Blogger Tim said…

    Misguided black youth? I don't recall in the picture I have there being anything saying the assailant was black or the lady was white or even vice versa. I understand your concern , but I don't think this is the central issue that we should be debating--I do appreciate your passion nonetheless!

    To Mike-you make a good point. I guess having the anger and mentality of "eye for an eye" is not appropriate, and I realize that there are several sides to any story, including the way the media portrays anything or our predispositions. I think the fact that this was a situation involving a viction with such extreme demographics (101 years old!) that it shoots to the surface of immediate disdain towards the attacker--but no matter what, if it was an 8 year old or an 80 year old, a crime is a crime is a crime and there are levels in which the "aggravated" point of an assault becomes very subjective.

  • At March 11, 2007 at 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hope when they catch him .. they hang him by his b..ls .. till he's dead

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