ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Just blocks from a dock where enslaved men and women arrived in chains more than 240 years ago, Maryland's Senate today unanimously approved a resolution apologizing for slavery.
The resolution expresses "profound regret" for the role Maryland played instituting and maintaining slavery and for -- quote -- "the discrimination that was slavery's legacy."
Resolution sponsor Nathaniel Exum says he believes the measure is needed because no one has ever apologized for the pain slavery caused in Maryland from its earliest days as a colony until 1864. The state senator says he feels a formal apology can improve race relations "if everyone takes it to heart."
A similar resolution is pending in the House.
If it passes there, Maryland would be the second state to issue such an apology. Virginia's legislature passed a resolution last month also expressing "profound regret" for that state's role in slavery.
Goosey's Gabbings... Perhaps the race relations can be expected to improve within, say, the 240 years it took to apologize. Is that too much to ask?
One of the more sad things with this is that Maryland is only the 2nd state to do this. And yet in another real story there are protesters to an art exhibit showing the confederate flag being hung in a noose. I'm certainly glad to be alive in 2007!! *Sigh*
Labels: apologzing for slavery, bizarre, government, maryland, news, odd, offbeat, offbeat news, quirky, slavery, weird |