> Gooseys Gabbings-The World of Weird Bizarre and Odd News
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
"Flowery fragrance" New Police Cologne
AHMEDABAD, India (Reuters) - Police in India's Western state of Gujarat are to wear new uniforms impregnated with the fragrance of flowers and citrus to help improve their image.

"Most policemen look hassled, drenched in sweat after coming from any scene of crime," said Somesh Singh, a designer at the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad that drew up the uniforms on request of the state government.

"They are surely not the best person one would like to meet, but if they smell good and fresh one might as well approach them," said Singh.

The uniforms, to be introduced in the next few months to the state's 300,000 police, use cotton with a fragrant finish, reflective prints and fiber optic technology to make sure the uniform not only smells good but glows at night so officials can be located easily .

The uniforms will retain the scent even after washing as the fragrance is embedded in the cotton during processing.

Some police say they are eager to try out the new uniforms.

"We are tired wearing the thick cotton brown color uniform with a broad belt and plastic badges for several decades now," said R.K. Patel a senior police officer.

"If the new uniforms makes us stand out in the crowd, keeps us active with pleasant aroma and is yet very formal, then we are all for it."

Goosey's Gabbings...


Ever have one of those tough days when you are running after criminals and just plain stink? Ever have a time when you have that "not so fresh" feeling?

Well, don't fret.

We've got a solution for you. Don't go a day without making sure that you smell your best at all times, whether it's picking up a crackhead from a dumpster, trying to pull a violent husband off his bloody wife, or during a 10-hour hostage standoff. Never worry about it again with our new uniforms. Comes in Police Peony, Dangerous Daffodill, and Miranda Mum.

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