> Gooseys Gabbings-The World of Weird Bizarre and Odd News
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Man steals from Police fundraiser

When Susquehanna Regional police got a call about a theft at the Sheetz in East Donegal Township, they had no idea they were the victims.The police department had put out a collection can at the Sheetz to raise money for hospice. The fundraiser was in memory of the fathers of three officers' who had all recently passed away. When police watched surveillance tape from the Sheetz, they said they saw a man mill about the store for a bit, then pick up the can and walk out.

"Personally, I was really angry about the whole thing," said Susquehanna Regional police Officer A.J. Hall.A camera outside the store recorded the license plate and police used it to track down the man who they said can be seen on camera. Police identified him as Curtis Mellinger Jr."He told me he needed money for food and gas," Hall said. "He told me he was too paranoid to read the bucket, but he just took the money."Police said they think Mellinger got away with about $50 to $100. Mellinger was charged with theft.Despite the theft of the bucket, police said they still collected about $1,200 for Hospice of Lancaster County.In exchange for the donations, the officers involved shaved their heads.

Goosey's Gabbings...
I understand that this was not the world's most brightest criminal--but he said he was "too paranoid" to read the bucket? Umm...ok.

Smile, Curtis....you're on Dumbass Camera....

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