> Gooseys Gabbings-The World of Weird Bizarre and Odd News
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Teen's Stomach Ache Turns out to be Gunshot Wound
A 13-year-old boy woke up with a stomach ache, only to discover he'd been shot. Despite taking a bullet to the stomach, the teenager was doing okay at Orlando Regional Medical Center after undergoing surgery early Wednesday morning.Police said the teen was an innocent victim in a drive-by shooting that could have cost him his life.The 13-year-old, Acumen Johnson, was asleep in his room inside a house on Polk Street, off Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando, and didn't even realize he'd been shot until he walked out of his room just after one Wednesday morning."We just heard gunshots. He came out of his room saying his stomach was hurting and we saw that he was shot," said Latisha Wilson, Johnson's cousin.

The family had no clue how it happened, until police showed up. They explained that, in a barrage of gunfire from a drive-by shooting out front, a bullet had passed through Johnson's bedroom wall, in the back of the house, hitting him in the stomach."Just in shock. It came out of nowhere. Nobody was outside or on that side of the house," Wilson said.Police think the shooting was gang-related and that the suspect, possibly looking to take out a rival gang member, hit the wrong house. The family had only lived in the home three days."It's a bunch of idiots driving down the street shooting up a house," Wilson said.While a couple of casings were found on the street, detectives discovered as many as seven bullets penetrated the house. And, with several people asleep inside, the family was incredibly grateful no one else was hurt and that Johnson is doing so well, physically. But, they can't help but think how it will affect him emotionally."It was sad that, him being so young, had to get shot just laying in his bed asleep," Wilson said.Witnesses said they saw three men in the Ford Taurus pull away from the house. Police are asking anyone else with information to come forward and help them solve the case.

Goosey's Gabbings...

Meanwhile, Grampa started to wonder about his hemorrhoid that started to flare up last night. Maybe it wasn't the hot sauce on the burrito that caused so much agony....

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