> Gooseys Gabbings-The World of Weird Bizarre and Odd News
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Penis Slicing justifed as Self Defense, jury finds

VICTORIA (CP) - A woman who slashed a man's penis with a knife during an intimate encounter was acquitted Tuesday after a jury accepted her explanation of self-defence.

Deanna Quiring was found not guilty of aggravated assault in B.C. Supreme Court. Quiring became sexually involved with Martin Sirois to settle a drug debt, said her lawyer, Maylan McKimm.

"He had demanded a sexual favour for that," McKimm said. "And in the course of the sexual conduct he began to choke her and in response to that she reached into her purse and retrieved a knife, which she slashed at him with and cut his penis."

Sirois suffered serious cuts to his penis and chest.

McKimm said the case came down to the jury having to decide who to believe, "whether the version of Mr. Sirois that he was an innocent victim or the version of Miss Quiring that in fact she had been attacked and throttled as a result of which she lashed out at him."

In his defence, McKimm also argued that Quiring was traumatized from years of abuse as a child.

Goosey's Gabbings...

Ok, Ok, now wait a minute here...he was obviously doing something she didn't like, right? He was choking her..ok. So then, she reaches into her purse (while he's choking her still evidently), pulls out a knife (still choking), slices his chest (probably not choking any longer), and penis (definitely not choking any longer).

Does this seem a little odd to anyone? Was he blindfolded or something? How is a person able to do all of these things while being choked-and how does someone doing the choking end up like this?

Not saying it's right by any means, I mean the guy got some pretty serious poetic justice...but please....come on!!!! Doesn't anyone but me see the holes cut (or in this case, sliced) in this story?

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