> Gooseys Gabbings-The World of Weird Bizarre and Odd News
Friday, March 9, 2007
Woman sees Jesus in Burned Wallpaper

SACRAMENTO- Christine York's house is a total loss. Treasures going back more than 100 years and memories spanning four decades were lost in a fire.

"I just sit there and I said, 'Lord I can't carry it no more. I need help.' And I turn around and I seen this image and I said, 'now you're really losing it,� says Christine.

The image seared into the wallpaper patter, seemed so clear.

"So I went down and got Judy and I said, 'Judy come look what I see', " says Christine.

"I walked up to it, put my hands on it and said, 'Holy Jesus.' That's what I saw,� says Judy Baily, Christine's friend.

But, is it the Immaculate Conception, or just warped perception?

"I see his eyes right here. And that's the round face,� says York, pointing to the burned wallpaper.

She sees the hair and a halo.

"And this looks like flames to me,� she says.

Then, there was Christine's crusade to protect the picture.

"I cut it with a knife,� she says.

Then she framed it, the only spot not fully blackened by soot.

Christine says it's not the only miracle, the fire spared two prized possessions.

"My grandmother's rosary. My son found it in the ashes,� says Christine.

Also spared was a Virgin Mary figure, still filled with holy water. As devastating as the blaze might be, the image on the wall has comforted Christine during disaster.

"I thought it was a sign that no matter how bad it is I'm going to get through this,� says Christine.

Goosey's Imaginings...

Christine: Is that....Willie Nelson?
Christine: No...wait...Oh my goodness! It's Kenny Loggins!!
Christine: NO! It's....It's....JESUS!
Judy: They don't call it Dope for nuthin!

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