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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
American Idol Review-In the Idol Studio Week 1
Ok, so we're finally here. After a ton of auditions that I am sure lead to Simon taking stock in Excedrin, Paula to take stock of Johnnie Walker, and Randy to take stock of...well, who in the world knows with him...we have finally made it to Studio Week 1.

The first is the guys. Here's my breakdown of their performances:

Rudy--I thought it was an excellent opening, it took a lot of guts to be as high-energy and so enthusiastic. Simon was a little tough on him, in my opinion. I think his voice is unique and pure; Randy's comments were just....dumb.

Brandon--There are definitely not enough oooooooooooooo's in smooooooth for him, but it was a drab song. He needed to come out and wow the crowd to set himself apart, not just be known as the "backup" who is now in the lead role. I believe the commentary from the judges was dead on.

Sundance--a train wreck. Plain and simple. Nerves, off key, and no confidence in his voice. Simon again was rough on him, but he took it like a champ. His performance in Hollywood was already extremely shaky, this could have doomed him.

Paul--What's up with all of the ballads suddenly? I still can't believe that voice comes from him, but he has strength and character to him, and tackling a song like "Careless Whisper" is not an easy one. He really tripped on the falsetto but I think overall it was decent. Out of all of the judges, I actually thought Randy was actually the most "beneficial".

Chris--Well, it's a mystery where Chris got his rhythm, as his parents can't stay on beat..It's pure comedy. The song was actually with his range, and he did a decent job with it, not anything that was HUGE, but a good performance overall. As Simon said, another "safe" showing.

Nick--Yet another ballad, good grief!! I thought he was a little "pitchy", as Randy says at least 15 times an hour, but it was a breathy rendition that was.....ok. Did anyone notice how Paula immediately flipped on her comments when Simon liked it? Talk about flaky.....

Blake--I like this guy simply because he is one of the most unique I've seen and his musical talents are amazing. He has the "boy band" persona that should carry him decently far. As far as the song selection, it kind of took away from the energy I think most people will expect from him. What's the deal with him oversinging his "O's"? Could have been better, it reminded me of Robert Smith of the Cure more than anything--he still should be ok.

Sanjaya--Despite the fact that my wife hates that this guy smiles nonstop with John Elway teeth, I have thought his voice has been something of value since his audition. His "Knocks Me off my Feet" was nothing compared to Elliot's from last year, which may hurt him. Personally, I think the song was too big. But his performance overall wasn't awful except for the last note--ouch. The judges were extremely hard on him, I don't think it was warranted, but I think the fact that it was another ballad may be a bad thing because of how many there had already been.

Chris--I love this guy, his personality is enough to carry him through, the fact that his voice is really good makes him that more lovable. The song choice was good, but his energy that was awesome at the beginning faded quickly during the middle of the song, it looked like he was really struggling to get to the end of it! Still, a better than average performance that should definitely bring him to the next round. (Ryan could be getting in some hot water for his repeated homophobic comments.)

Jared--uggh, the ballads are getting annoying. The fact that "America does not know him" could really be a detriment especially early. His performance was not good at all. Not even a good last note could save it. Paula's commentary was nothing short of...well, normal, but a waste of time. The judges, to me, were way too nice.

AJ--thank goodness for an upbeat song. However, AJ didn't do such a great job with it--to me, it was boring and uninspired--and off pitch much of the time. The judges were pretty sympathetic.

Phil--The nerves really showed at first. When he started to "rock out", it reminded me of Daughtry. At first, I thought it may have been an ill-timed song, but it ended up being pretty good, in my opinion. The judges were pretty clear and concise.

All in all, it was a letdown--I have a lot of faith that the guys are far better than the girls, and their performances were underachieved. They need to turn it up to the potential that they showed in Hollywood.

The Ryan and Simon feud is getting quite old, and Ryan is outgunned much of the time when it comes to the verbal sparring. Ryan may get in one-liners, but it's a waste of everyone's time, to be honest with you.

My choice whom will be voted off: Sundance and either AJ or Jared. I think it may be AJ based on the fact that the judges were more supportive of Jared.

Everyone take care!


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24 Review 2/19/07-An hour not really well spent
We all have time management issues. I, for one, should be working right now. A lot of us get caught up in surfing the 'net when we originally wanted to just check email and suddenly find it's been almost 2 hours and we've learned everything about Britney's shaved head that we could possibly want to know about in our entire life. But yet--we continue to do it!!!

On "24", Jack Bauer knows the meaning of the words time management. And thankfully, so do his producers and writers of the show (obviously). As an avid fan of the show, I look forward to at least holding my breath a few times during the show in anticipation, shock, or pure awe of the direction the story is going. Last night was an exception to the rule.

I was dissapointed with this hour on 24. It seemed to have a lot of things in it that were just really "time killers"--maybe that's perhaps due to the level that the show has raised the stakes to over this season, but it was kind of drab to me.

Milo's drinking was something of note, and it will be interesting to see how things play out with that and if it will cause problems. Tom turning on his aide Chad Lowe was pretty cool but not something that 24 addicts would be overly blown away by; the biggest revelation was that Wayne Palmer was going to be killed, not just "removed"; the incident with getting Graham back and Jack and his father was anti-climactic, and the biggest jaw-dropper was with Jack talking at the end to ex-prez Charles Logan, who looked like he just stepped out of a newly constructed box on Hollywood Blvd. Now that we have some full circle issues coming about with Jack's brother and our knowledge of where that was at with Logan last season, it will be very interesting to see where this pseudo-relationship will go. My gut tells me that Logan is going to come clean about the assassination attempt on Palmer and Jack will save the day, er, hour, again.

However, there are still so many holes and subplots that were ignored last night--now that all of this is going on with Tom and his apparent turncoating on the treasoners, will Karen be back involved? What history of alcoholism affected Milo and Chloe, or did it? What is Fayed up to this hour? Do we just presume nothing, maybe just took an hour on the toilet reading up on how to put together a bomb? And Assad, where has he gone in this? Are he and Buchanan playing Monopoly in the war room?

I understand that 24 thrives off of all of the things going on at once that can keep viewers on edge, but last night, to me, was a dissapointment at best. I'll be interested to hear what everyone has to say about this as well as where you think the story is going now.


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